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Friday, October 26, 2012

The Main Top Issue Ignored in Campaign?

There's been much talk this week about the many key issues not raised at all (or just barely) in this year's debates,  the overall campaign and in media coverage:  from climate change to campaign financing.  But we still have not heard many complaints about this (perenially ignored) one:  how a candidate's faith may, or will, influence his views and decisions as president.  We saw what that lack of probing got us with George "Doing God's Will in Iraq" Bush.  The right only perked up when it could link Obama to Rev. Wright.

Very belatedly here's a new online column by the NYT's Bill Keller, inspired by Richard Mourdock's what-God-intends rape/pregnancy crack.  Keller ties this to Paul Ryan very well.  But still: no emphasis on Romney and Mormonism.  Reporters are so scared of getting accused of being religious bigots that they refuse to probe one of the most--some would say, most--vital factors in a candidate's makeup (when that candidate professes to be deeply devout).

Take this simple quiz:  Can you say much, if anything, about Romney's views in relation to his Mormonism, drawing on what he has said in the past and teachings he is supposed to follow?  If you know very little, at this very late date, who do you blame?

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